Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday at KWR (very normal day) - Montag, 17.6.13

GAPP Montag, 17.6.13
American students wrapped up in the film, "The Lives of Others" to prepare for history of East Germany while we are in Berlin.

Today was a fairly normal school day at KWR. All students attended classes and some of the host sibling had an exam to complete, so as teachers, we gathered the students into a classroom and watched "The Lives of Others" (a 2006 award-winning German film about the Stasi). This film was very captivating for the students to learn more in depth about the history of the secret police in the German Democratic Republic (GDR aka East Germany). Although the film is fiction, it depicts many of the different consequences that can happen from disagreeing with the government of that era. This film also helped to prepare students to visit the prison at Hohenschönhausen, when we are in Berlin.
At the end of the day, host siblings were patiently waiting to hang out with their guests and go on an adventure around Hannover. We checked with all of the students and they made their way to enjoy the hot weather at Maschsee (around 85 degrees fahrenheit). As I made my way back to my amazing host family's house, I took a little bike detour home and found myself at the Mittellandkanal. The Mittellandkanal goes through the north of Hannover and is directly on bike path to and from school. I stopped to take some photos.

GAPP Montag, 17.6.13
Very interesting boat travelling from Hamburg under one of the many bridges on the "Mittellandkanal" in Hannover

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