Friday, May 24, 2013


HUGE YARD SALE! Saturday (5/25) and Sunday (5/26) from 9am to 3pm. There are tons of items that we will have set up in the parking lot at Pacific Crest Community School (116 NE 29th)
So many cool things to sell! Binoculars, bikes, outdoor umbrellas, adirondack chairs, backpacks, luggage, dry bags, dishes, newly released books, music stands, good quality shoes & clothes - women, men, youth, child sizes, toys (a really cool wooden maze thing), patio umbrellas, tons of books, a super nice blender, old school mixers, games, craft stuff, sports equipment....
Students, family members, and teachers have worked hard to get stuff organized and priced reasonably. 10 families donated items to contribute to this benefit! 
High School students from Pacific Crest Community School and Madison High School will be participating in the exchange program German American Partnership Program and travelling to Germany (going to school and living with host families) for three weeks. We leave in two weeks!
If you are interested to see more information about the trip, please see the following blog:

ALL FUNDS GO TO to our travel expenses while in Germany (in TWO WEEKS)! COME and/or PLEASE SHARE THIS information with your friends and family!

Link to Craiglist AD

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We have made our INDIEGOGO GOAL of $1400!!

This is so incredibly exciting! Right now, we are beyond our goal by over $300! You can see a list of our amazing contributors directly right of this post. 
Now that we have made our goal, we will contribute any additional funds to the opportunity to go a castle near to Hannover called Schloss Marienburg. To view the website of this castle, please click the link.
Again, we are so ecstatic and so grateful for everyone's amazing contributions! It has been so amazing to see such support of this incredible opportunity!
If you wish to contribute to help us keep earning beyond our goal, please click the following link: Help Fund German Exchange Trip

Also, a little side note: 
Our blog has been featured on the GAPP website (which is a HUGE honor). Take a quick look where we are featured! (There aren't that many other blogs either!)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Large donation from Beulahland!

Thank you so much to everyone at Beulahland (especially Heatherette) and all of our volunteers!
• Rich Malena (@GeekPortland)
• Montanna Jane (Excitement Engineer)
• Braddaloantays
Tamara J. Brown
• DeeJay Mikki Spinn

The Monday nights in April earned our trip $467! So exciting! Thank you again for coming out to support our trip, our fun, and our community!

Please keep supporting us by viewing this blog and if you didn't make it out to Beulahland in the month of April, please feel free to donate to our online fundraiser through

Indiegogo: GAPP Online Fundraiser

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hello Amazing Community Supporters, 
As you may realize, we are coming down to the last four weeks before we make our exchange trip to Germany on June 9th! 
Five students are traveling from Pacific Crest Community School and eight from Madison High School!

You may have known that we had the Beulahland fundraisers in April, students have been working for community members through Teens Work for Exchange, we had our Bowl-A-Thon and our garage sale is coming memorial day weekend at 116 NE 29th Ave (weather dependent). 

Now, we have one more fundraiser that I am requesting folks to participate in through online efforts. This fundraiser will go towards our food and museum visit budget while we are in Berlin (4 days, 5 nights) and Hamburg (1 day). The online fundraiser is through Indiegogo, which accepts paypal, debit, or credit cards. 

If you could contribute even $5, it would be huge help towards our goal of $1400 by June 1st at 11:59 pm (PST)Please consider contributing if you have ever been an exchange student, known an exchange student, and/or have known how exchange experiences can enhance our world for the better.

To contribute to our online fundraiser through, please click the following link: GAPP Online Fundraiser 

If you unable to contribute now, please share this link with your friends and/or post it on your social media. We want to spread the word as far and wide as we can. We sincerely appreciate your time!

If you have any questions about our trip, the German American Partnership Program, or where the money is going, please contact me at

Sending our very best for this last big push to make a very enriching experience for all students and community members involved.