Tuesday, June 11, 2013

First Day of School at Kaiser Wilhelm und Ratsgymnasium - Dienstag, 11.6.13

GAPP 11.6.13
Madelynn, Nick, Sam, and Hailey walking around school together.

So, today all of the students made it through their first day of school at Kaiser Wilhelm und Ratsgymnasium! We snagged them out of their third period class to connect to them and allow them an opportunity to share stories about their first day and ask any questions about language and culture.
Students shared a lot about the invisible culture surrounding their host families. Food was a big topic (Brötchen, Käse, Wurst, Pho, Brot, Marmelade) and of course, the water. "How do I get water without bubbles?" As we encouraged them to continue drinking occasionally, we informed them how to request "stilles Wasser" or "Leitungswasser". We also talked about the wall outlets, door handles, toilets, locks for doors, and their hopes that their German will get better (and it will!). All students reported that they are getting along amazingly with their host families and they are really enjoying being here. At the end of third period, we brought them back to their classrooms and they finished out their school day.
We (co-teacher Tod and I) met with Herr Schubert to finish arranging our plans for the rest of our stay in Hannover.
Then, we had an excellent time at our welcome party at the Salmo family residence. They organized a barbeque with all of the host students and several of the host parents. It was exceptionally kind especially because their exchange student that had not yet arrived, Gunnar. We were still patiently awaiting his arrival when the barbeque started.
About half way through the party, I left with Mr. Salmo and his son Ekin to go pick up Gunnar from the airport. Gunnar's flight went well and he was very excited to have arrived. After being asked about the flight he said, "It was boring." We are all so glad that he made it! As soon as we arrived back at the barbeque, everyone rejoiced and welcomed him by cheering for him. You can see one of the pictures of Gunnar with his host family below.
The barbeque lasted until 10:30pm and it was still so light outside! It seems that the sun stays out until 11pm here! Also, the weather has been so beautiful! We are so lucky!
We are looking forward to tomorrow's adventures!
Keep checking out the photo links, I'll still keep uploading pictures!

GAPP 11.6.13
Mr. Salmo, Ekin, and Gunnar at the airport less than five minutes after Gunnar retrieved his luggage.

Photos from this Day

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