Our final group photo (with German and American students) at Kaiser Wilhelm und Ratsgymnasium on Friday, June 21st.
This exchange trip has been incredible! From our adventures in Hannover to our trip to Hamburg to our visit to Schloß Marienburg and from also our class times at Kaiser Wilhelm und Ratsgymnasium to our travels through Berlin, we have been so fortunate to have such incredibly, amazing students, both from US and Germany!
All of the host families (both US and Germany) were so incredibly accommodating. Each host family had so much to offer and was so kind to open their house to someone whom they had never met before. With all respect and kindnesses from us, we are very grateful for the adventures and experiences that all of the exchange students (in Portland and Hannover) had the opportunity to live. Thank you so much, host families!
Frau Sophie Buckesfeld was such huge help to us while we were in Hannover. She was very accommodating and worked so hard to make our collaborative project well-organized. She is so very kind and she even loaned me to her German cell phone (much cheaper than international plan), which was especially great to have while I was in charge of the students. Her help is so appreciated. Thank you, Sophie!
Herr Ralf Schubert was an excellent exchange teacher. We arrived at the end of the school year and he extended his kindness and creativity to plan an amazing time for us in Hannover. As the head of the upper school, he extended his time and commitment to this exchange in ways that cannot be thanked enough. He has certainly been an great asset to this exchange. We are so lucky to have had such a great school in Hannover, have him as a leader, and to collaborate with such engaging teachers. Thank you, Ralf!
Mr. Tod Grobey has been an awesome and supportive chaperone, teacher, and co-pilot. He taught us so much and was able to share incredible amounts of information and knowledge about Hannover, Germany, and German culture. He is not only incredibly enthusiastic, funny, caring, but he is SO helpful. Thank you, Tod! You are amazing!
To all of our supporters (see side bar and many more)! We are so fortunate and glad to have had this unique and special opportunity to participate in this German American Partnership Program exchange. We cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for this partnership between Madison High School, Pacific Crest Community School, and Kaiser Wilhelm und Ratsgymnasium. Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Last, but not least, I could not have asked for a better group of students. Upon my return to the US, my family and friends asked me, "How was the trip?" I always quickly responded with, "I am so proud of the students and the trip could not have been better." From the excitement that the students showed to participate in sending the appreciation postcards to seeing the spark of cultural understanding light in their eyes, every moment was really incredible. Though there were a couple of those predictable lightly stressful moments, everything smoothed out easily. I am very proud of all of the students for all of their hard work, fundraising, openness, understanding, care, respect, learning experiences, and so many more things. I am so proud of you, you are truly amazing young people. I look forward to hearing about how you make the world a better place! Thank you to each one of you! Brynnen, Cassandra, Deborah, Gunnar, Hailey, Hannah, Jess, Lily, Madelynn, Nick, Ryan, Sam, Sophie! You really made this trip worth all of the hard work! Please keep traveling and experiencing the world!
Ms. Myriah J. Day
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